Arnold Schwarzenegger Got Into A Twitter Spat With Nickelback Last Night and I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle!

If there were ever two parties in this world that you'd maybe think would never cross paths, one of them would almost certainly be former weightlifter, former actor and former governor Arnold Schwarenegger and everybody's favorite rock and roll band Nickelback.

Well, last night they dropped the gloves and squared off on Twitter after Arnold took an uncalled for pot-shot at Nickelback going as far to lump them in with everybody's favorite STD...

Nickelback, as any smart marketing band would, has a filter set up to feed into a list anytime someone mentions Nickelback and when The Governator comes calling, it sticks out a little more than normal. So they responded...

Caught red handed, Arnold had to reply but he didn't let his guard down with this clever little comeback...

And as any good twitter battle should, it ended peacefully...

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