Try this "Covid-19 Daily Schedule" to keep your kids from going stir crazy!

Boy with cell phone ignoring friend

Those of you experimenting with social distance and self-quarantine over the weekend are probably already feeling the effects of being cooped up inside too long with the kids.

As we brace for the potential school closings in the State of Minnesota and do our best to create social distance to protect our loved ones, I found this resource incredibly helpful as a guide.

If you leave it up to your kids, they'd sit on the iPad and stream Netflix all day long. While that *should* help prevent contraction of COVID-19, it's also not an ideal plan especially if we start looking long term like our neighbors to the East, West and North already have shutting down schools for the month.

This has been shared so many times already on social media I really do not know where it was originally sourced so I apologize to whoever first shared it, but it's too good to sit on...

I also have not lost my sense of humor amidst the current circumstances and found this "spoof schedule" quite funny this morning as well...

Good luck to you all, we're in this together!


Disney+ releases "Frozen 2" 3 MONTHS EARLY to help create Social Distance👏

Disney is releasing their animated smash hit "Frozen 2" to Disney+ THREE MONTHS ahead of schedule to help families create "social distance" amidst COVID-19 outbreak...

These simulations show why "social distancing" is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE

This article highlighting the importance of "social distancing" and explaining how to "flatten the curve" is the MOST IMPORTANT article you'll read today...should be required reading for all Americans

Education companies offering FREE subscriptions to create social distance

Education companies are offering FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS to help create social distance with kids stuck at home...

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