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Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN – The Minnesota Twins will be celebrating “Prince Night” at Target Field this Friday to honor the late Minneapolis icon who passed away in April of 2016. The Twins will include multiple game day elements as they host the Los Angeles Angels with first pitch at 7:10 p.m.
Prince Night will feature a variety of honors and festivities:
· The first 10,000 fans to Target Field will receive a limited-edition Inflatable Prince Guitar (photo attached).
· Twins players and staff will wear special Prince-themed T-shirts during batting practice (photo attached).
o The T-shirts will be auctioned off at twinsbaseball.com to benefit Achieve Minneapolis for music grants in Minneapolis Public Schools.
· On display in the Twins Digital Clubhouse will be Prince’s Model C guitar (photo attached).
o The German luthier Jerry Auerswald, who also created Prince’s famous Love Symbol guitar, made this striking Model C guitar for Prince in the mid-1980s. It is unique for several reasons, not least of which is its vivid and jagged shape; in order to create a perfectly triangular and sleek headstock, the tuning pegs were moved to the base of the bridge. It was used heavily by Prince during his 1988 Lovesexy period, and was featured in the publicity photos that were taken to promote that album and tour.
· Omarr Baker, Prince’s younger brother, will throw out a ceremonial first pitch.
· Prince collaborator, JD Steele, of “The Steeles”, and Olivia Gorden, from Rochester, MN, will perform the National Anthem.
· Immediately following the seventh inning stretch, all fans will be asked to remain standing. Fans in possession of the inflatable Prince guitar will raise and illuminate their guitars for a special moment in remembrance of Prince.
· Prince-themed fireworks will take place following the conclusion of the game between the Twins and Los Angeles Angels.
· DJ Dudley D (Tour, studio and event DJ for Minneapolis music legend Prince) will perform postgame in Bat & Barrel, Target Field’s hottest new club space open to all fans.