Photo: Getty Images
It's a list that only changes slightly every year, but the creators are sure to change it just enough to sucker us in year after year...and it's here once again for 2021!
The good people at Forbes put together a list of The Most Popular Halloween Candy's in each state for 2021 and the results are interesting to say the least. Using data collected by, the list aims to be a little more comprehensive this season forming their tallies from a cumulative number showcasing the amount of each candy ordered over the last 14 years!
In 2020 Skittles took the cake as the top Halloween candy in the State of Minnesota, but I'm proud to report that we have a new leader in the clubhouse for 2021!
But first, let's look at some of our neighbors...
North Dakota - (1) Hot Tamales, (2) Jolly Ranchers, (3) Candy Corn
South Dakota - (1) Starburst, (2) Jolly Ranchers, (3) Candy Corn
Iowa - (1) M&Ms, (2) Reese's Cups, (3) Candy Corn
Wisconsin - (1) Butterfingers, (2) M&Ms, (3) Hot Tamales
And for the lovely state of Minnesota...
- Tootsie Pops
- Skittles
- Hot Tamales
I mean, at least Candy Corn isn't on the Minnesota list, but Tootsie Pops...really?