REPORT: Mike Zimmer looking to get back into coaching THIS SEASON!

Chicago Bears v Minnesota Vikings

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While others may have spoken out on his behalf, former Minnesota Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer has remained radio silent since being let go by the team the day after the 2021 season wrapped up. From the outside it had appeared that the position had been wearing on Zimmer, that coupled with his age (65) and number of years already spent in football had many believing that he may just opt to sail off into the sunset and enjoy the peace and quiet of his Kentucky Ranch.

Apparently though, four weeks was enough time away from the game for coach Zimmer who according to a report from Jeremy Fowler Friday night is ready and looking to get back into coaching football, and is actively seeking a position for the upcoming 2022 season!

It's unclear exactly what it means that he wants to get back into "coaching" for the 2022 season, but it's presumed that it would come in the form of an assistant or a coordinator. His time at the head in Minnesota was far from failure ending with a 72-56-1 record, but some of the situations that led to his demise with the Vikings will likely push teams to explore other options for Zimmer right away.

Still, yet another interesting development when it comes to the former and upcoming head coaches for the Minnesota Vikings.

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