The mystery of who pooped on Chris Hawkey's couch rages on for another day. New details have emerged including a story from Zach's mom who saw two unknown suspects flip the couch cushion after Tommy had moved from couch to floor.
Up until this moment we did not know the identity of these two people of interest. Zach's mom wasn't sure who they were, but when presented a lineup of all the usual suspects (the group photo above), she responded with the faces of two individuals circled.
Here's her response...
Two gentlemen, likely unknown to many by their faces, but known to you all by name. These two individuals are in fact the real "Tree" and "Smitty Oom", Paul's high school buddies.
Mr. Tree and Mr. Oom have yet to comment on the situation but we are presently efforting to get them in for an interview...