This Is The Likelihood Of Getting Divorced In Minnesota

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About 90 percent of people in Western cultures enter into marriage by the age of 50 —but as many know, not all of those marriages are destined to last.

Between 35 to 50 percent of first-time marriages in the United States end in divorce. That number increases to approximately 60 percent for second marriages, and over 70 percent for marriages after that. That means the United States has one of the highest divorce rates in the world.

Perhaps that's why the overall rates of both marriage and divorce are decreasing in the United States. The World Population Review notes that though the trend is a result of multiple factors, one of the most prominent is a tendency for millennials to wait longer before getting married, or simply forgoing marriage altogether. "The current tendency to wait for or opt out of marriage decreases the overall number of divorces in two ways," they explained. "Firstly, by reducing the total number of marriages, the number of possible divorces is decreased in turn. Secondly, because the odds of divorce decrease as a married couple increases in age, the wait makes the marriage more likely to succeed once it takes place."

Be that as it may, the divorce rate in Minnesota is 10.2 percent, according to the World Population Review. This means Minnesota falls near the bottom when it comes to the frequency of divorces in the United States. Overall, D.C. has the lowest divorce rate at 8.3 percent, and Maine has the highest, at 13.9 percent.

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